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A Riverside Stroll

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exercise · orange · relax

Walking Through the Orange Groves

A nice reflection on Spanish life today with some added honesty thrown in for good measure! I even got Bing’s AI Creator to produce a painting in the style of Valencian artist Juaquín Sorolla to illustrate it.

Amidst the orange groves, I stroll,
Beneath the sun’s warm golden glow.
Their branches stretch towards the sky,
Fruitful bounties hanging high.

Their vibrant colors tempt my eye,
A feast for senses, I can’t deny.
The fragrance sweet, the hues so bright,
A tempting treat within my sight.

Yet, I resist the urge to pluck,
To taste the fruit, to test my luck.
For I know that this land is tended,
By those whose livelihoods depend on it.

The aroma of the blossoms fills the air,
A fragrant veil, beyond compare.
To take a few would be unfair,
And spoil the beauty that’s so rare.

The rustling leaves, the gentle breeze,
The melody of birds and bees.
Nature’s symphony fills my heart,
A wondrous sight, a work of art.

And so I walk, my spirit light,
Filled with gratitude and delight.
For though I do not taste their fruit,
Their beauty fills my soul to boot.