
Vintage Tech

In an office of gleaming steel and chrome,
A robot toiled in circuits and code,
Tasks of efficiency, its skills finely honed,
Yet a relic beckoned, with a nostalgic tone.

Amidst the whirring of modernity’s hum,
Stood a vintage red telephone, worn and glum,
Its rotary dial, a quaint, archaic drum,
A symbol of connection, though its era had come undone.

With metallic fingers, the robot reached out,
To grasp the handset, curiosity devout,
A journey to the past, beyond the techno-shroud,
Where memories lingered, in whispers, devout.

In the silence of the office, a connection made,
Through crackling wires, a conversation swayed,
A fusion of epochs, in a timeless cascade,
As the robot and the vintage phone gently played.

AI · ChatGPT · Communication · technology

AI: Friend or Foe

Inspired by my friend Carol’s article for I asked ChatGPT if AI could really replace the human race. Here is the full, unedited, response in verse. I thought Bing Create did a great job with the illustration!

In realms of thought, a question profound,
Does AI’s rise in glory astound?
Can it replace our human grace?
Let us delve into this haunting chase.

In realms of circuits, silicon’s might,
AI strides forth with potent light.
Yet, human hearts, in depths so vast,
Hold empathy and love that forever last.

The binary realm, where logic reigns,
Craves human touch, which never wanes.
For AI may learn and swiftly grow,
But human warmth, it cannot bestow.

Imagination’s realm, where dreams reside,
AI may mimic, but cannot decide.
For human minds, with passions vast,
Bring forth creations that eternally last.

The tapestry of life, woven with care,
With human touch, emotions so rare.
For AI’s intellect may gleam and glow,
But human souls in love do overflow.

So fear not, dear human, your worth remains,
For AI may assist, but cannot sustain.
Our essence lies in bonds we weave,
In compassion, love, and what we believe.

Thus, in the realm of human race,
AI may thrive, but can’t replace.
For we are more than gears and code,
With spirit true, we’ll always hold.