rain · storm · Weather · wind

Monster Storm

From the depths of the ocean, a tempest arose,
A monster storm, in darkness it chose to compose,
Its fury unleashed, as the sea churned and roared,
With torrents of rain, like a relentless sword.

Thunder rumbled, a deafening sound in the air,
Lightning split the sky, with a blinding glare,
The waves surged and crashed, against the shore,
Nature’s wrath displayed, as never seen before.

The wind howled and screamed, a banshee’s cry,
As the monster storm advanced, reaching for the sky,
Ships tossed like toys, in the raging maelstrom’s dance,
A formidable force, defying all chance.

But in the heart of the chaos, there’s a beauty to find,
In the power of nature, both fierce and kind,
For after the storm’s fury, the skies start to clear,
Leaving a world renewed, as the tempest disappears.