cleaning · Domestic Matters · friendship · Lifestyle

Ready for Guests

In a house, all set for guests so dear,
Every corner shines, there’s nothing to fear,
With care we’ve readied, a warm embrace we’ll share,
As we await the friends, in laughter and cheer.

The rooms now gleaming, bathed in golden light,
Each surface polished, a welcoming sight,
With fragrant blooms and candles, burning bright,
Our hearts aglow, anticipation takes flight.

The table’s set with finest china and grace,
A feast awaits, a sumptuous embrace,
From appetizers to desserts, a taste of every space,
To savor and enjoy, as time we’ll efface.

The garden, a haven, in pristine attire,
Where fragrant blooms and colors conspire,
A tranquil pool, where dreams aspire,
Beneath the stars, our spirits shall respire.

So as we gather here, a joyful band,
In this haven we’ve prepared, so grand,
With laughter, stories, hand in hand,
In this cherished home, forever we’ll stand.

cleaning · Domestic Matters

Cleaning Up

Thankfully it wasn’t too bad for us this time! Really feel for those who had it much worse.

After the storm, a scene unveiled,
Saharan sands upon the patio hailed,
Nature’s artistry in shades of rust,
A daunting task, a cleanup is a must.

Beneath the sun’s unforgiving glare,
Footprints of the desert everywhere,
Brooms in hand, we gather ’round,
To reclaim our sanctuary, dusty ground.

Each sweep and scrub, a rhythmic dance,
As we restore our outdoor expanse,
Whispering winds may have their say,
But we’ll chase the sand and make it sway.

In unity, we work, a determined team,
Chasing away the desert’s dream,
With every stroke, we clear the way,
To enjoy our patio another day.

Domestic Matters · washing

Ode to the Window Cleaner

If you hate climbing ladders and getting wet then you’ll probably use a window cleaner! They do a great job, don’t they?!

Oh, the brave window cleaner,
Scaling heights without a fear,
With buckets of water and a sponge,
Making every window shine, removing gunge.

Rain or shine, they come and go,
Tackling grime and dirt, row by row,
A noble job, yet a perilous one,
Ensuring our view is never gone.

They climb up ladders, with skill and care,
A daring feat that not many dare,
Making sure our glass is gleaming bright,
So we can enjoy the world’s outside.

Through wind and storm, they persevere,
Their dedication, we hold so dear,
To keep our view pristine and clear,
We thank these brave men and women here.

So let us raise a glass to them,
For the work they do, time and again,
May their efforts never go unseen,
Our windows sparkling, always clean.

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!