friendship · Health

A Toast to Dear Departed Friends

🥂 To our dear departed friends! 🌟❤️

In the quiet of twilight, we gather ’round,
A circle of memories, on hallowed ground.
We raise our glasses to those who’ve passed,
Their laughter, their love, forever cast.

To the dreamers who danced under moonlit skies,
Their spirits now stars, painting constellations high.
They taught us to wonder, embrace the unknown,
Their legacy etched in stardust, forever sown.

To the poets who penned verses of love and pain,
Their ink flowing like rivers, hearts unchained.
Their words echo through time, a whispered refrain,
Guiding us through darkness, soothing every strain.

To the adventurers who sailed uncharted seas,
Their ships carried hope, caught in destiny’s breeze.
They sought distant shores, where horizon meets sky,
Their courage unfurling sails, as they learned to fly.

To the artists who painted life’s vibrant hues,
Their canvases ablaze with passion, love, and muse.
They captured sunsets, rainbows, and fleeting grace,
Their strokes immortalized, in every sacred space.

And so, we raise our glasses, hearts intertwined,
To dear departed friends, their legacy enshrined.
In laughter, tears, and shared moments we hold,
Their spirits linger, timeless stories retold.

Here’s to you, dear friends, wherever you may be,
In the symphony of memory, forever free.
May your light guide us onward, as we raise our glass,
To the love that transcends future, present and past.