forget · invoicing · Work

Last Minute Invoicing

In the hustle of deadlines, I frantically type,
Last-minute invoicing, the end of the month ripe,
I forgot as time flew, in a whirlwind of days,
Now I’m racing against time, in a panicky daze.

The calendar mocked me, as days slipped away,
And now, in a frenzy, I must invoice today,
For clients await, with impatience they fume,
As I scramble to gather, each charge and each sum.

My spreadsheet’s a labyrinth, numbers a blur,
In this eleventh-hour rush, mistakes may occur,
But I’ll muster my focus, and with diligence, strive,
To ensure every detail is precise and alive.

As the clock ticks so swiftly, my heart skips a beat,
Invoices are sent, I exhale in defeat,
But I promise myself, as I close this month’s door,
Next time, I’ll be better, I’ll invoice once more.