Architecture · coffee · relax · sunshine · travel

In the Shadow of the Alhambra

In the shadow of the Alhambra, where the walls are painted red,
I sit beneath the ancient trees, where soft leaves overhead
Create a haven from the sun, fierce in Andalusian skies,
While tourists trudge in scorching heat, with sweat in tired eyes.

A coffee cup within my hand, its warmth a gentle grace,
The flavour mingles on my tongue, a slow and sweet embrace.
The cobblestones beneath my feet, worn smooth by countless years,
Whisper tales of history, of triumphs and of tears.

The distant hum of busy streets, the chatter and the clink,
As travellers seek the storied past, to drink and deeply think.
Yet here within this shaded square, a world away it seems,
From all the rush and flurry, from their sunburnt, fleeting dreams.

The scent of jasmine in the air, a soft and fragrant breeze,
Carries with it melodies, of flamenco and of ease.
The Alhambra watches from its height, majestic, proud, and grand,
A sentinel of ages past, in this timeless, tranquil land.

I sip my coffee, slowly, savouring the moment’s calm,
The world outside a blur of heat, here a gentle, cooling balm.
In the shadow of the Alhambra, where the past and present blend,
I find a peaceful refuge, in this square, a faithful friend.

Let the tourists chase the sun, with maps and fervent strides,
I’ll stay within this leafy nook, where Andalusia hides.
In the shadow of the Alhambra, where history and comfort meet,
I’ll drink my coffee, dream my dreams, in this shaded, cool retreat.

elephant · reading · relax · Summer · sunshine

The Cool Elephant

In lands where sun and breeze conspire,
An elephant with dreams inspired,
By poolside’s edge, a reader’s grace,
Sipped cocktails as tales they embrace.

With mighty trunk and gentle soul,
Among the books, they found their goal,
In lounging hours ‘neath skies so blue,
An intellect vast, forever grew.

Pages turned by dexterous tusk,
In worlds of prose, they’d deeply trust,
Novels, poems, wisdom’s stream,
A literate pachyderm’s dream.

As sun dipped low, and stars would gleam,
Still by the pool, lost in a scheme,
An elephant, wise and oh so cool,
Found joy in reading, by the pool.

Health · Summer · sunshine · Weather

Summer Heatwaves

Looks like we’re in for a scorching summer in the Northern hemisphere. Take care out there!

In blazing days of summer’s reign,
Beware the heatwaves’ scorching pain.
Let caution guide your every stride,
For safety’s sake, stay cool and wide.

When sun ascends its golden throne,
And heat waves dance upon earth’s zone,
Remember, friends, to shield your skin,
With sunscreen’s grace, the burn we’ll win.

Stay hydrated, drink waters pure,
For thirst’s deceit can be obscure.
Quench your body’s ardent plea,
To beat the heat, stay fluid and free.

In midday’s might, seek shades of cool,
To guard against the sun’s fierce rule.
Take respite in the gentle breeze,
Find solace under sheltering trees.

In summer’s grasp, let wisdom bloom,
Take heed of heat’s relentless fume.
Embrace precautions, stay aware,
And summer’s glory you shall share.

Family · food · sunshine

Scones by the Med!

Not quite cake by the ocean!!

(Verse 1)
We’re sitting on the beach, feeling so high,
With our scones by the Med, oh, my oh my.
The salty breeze, the sun shining bright,
Dunking scones in tea, it feels just right.

Let’s have scones by the Med, oh, what a treat,
No cake by the ocean, just scones we’ll eat.
With clotted cream and jam, it’s the perfect blend,
Scones by the Med, let the joy never end.

(Verse 2)
We’ll spread some butter on our scone so warm,
While seagulls sing along to the crashing storm.
The waves tickle our toes, the sand in our hair,
Scones by the Med, there’s no better affair.

Let’s have scones by the Med, oh, what a treat,
No cake by the ocean, just scones we’ll eat.
With clotted cream and jam, it’s the perfect blend,
Scones by the Med, let the joy never end.

Forget the frosting, let’s have scones and tea,
A delightful moment, just you and me.
The Mediterranean view, the scones so divine,
Let’s indulge in this pleasure, just one more time.

Let’s have scones by the Med, oh, what a treat,
No cake by the ocean, just scones we’ll eat.
With clotted cream and jam, it’s the perfect blend,
Scones by the Med, let the joy never end.

As the sun starts to set, and the day turns to night,
We’ll cherish this memory, oh, what a delight.
Scones by the Med, a parody so sweet,
A tasty twist on a song, a treat to repeat.

Lifestyle · Summer · sunshine · Weather

Sunny Spain

In lands of Spain, they yearn to dwell,
Where warmth and sun cast their sweet spell.
But as the mercury starts to rise,
They voice their discontent with sighs.

“Oh, Spain, your heat is scorching, true,
This blazing sun, what can we do?
We sought your shores for gentle clime,
Yet now we wilt in summer’s prime.”

In shades they seek a respite’s grace,
While longing for a cooler embrace.
But let them see beyond the heat,
The beauty that Spain’s rays complete.

For in its warmth, a vibrant dance,
The spirit of life, a sunlit trance.
So let them cherish, endure the flame,
And find in Spain a love to reclaim.

rain · sunshine · Weather

Manchester Skies

Manchester’s sky, so blue and bright
The sun shines down with all its might
But as the day begins to wane
The sky turns from blue to grey

The clouds roll in, so thick and heavy
The air grows still, the wind unsteady
And though the world is calm and quiet
My heart begins to riot

For in my mind, I fear the rain
The drops that fall, with such disdain
I hope and pray the clouds will pass
And the sky will clear at last

For there’s nothing quite so dreary
As a day that’s dark and teary
But if the rain must come, I’ll bear
And find some joy amidst despair

For though the sky may turn to grey
The sun will shine again someday
And in that moment, I’ll be glad
For rain is just a passing fad

The world will bloom and come alive
As raindrops fall and help revive
The beauty of the earth below
That in the sun will brightly glow

So though the sky may lose its hue
And clouds obscure the view
I’ll keep my hopes up high and dry
And embrace whatever may come by.

Lifestyle · relax · sunshine

Sunny Morning Bliss

A lovely poem for a lovely day, although the last line is very dodgy! How would you change it?

The morning sun begins to rise,
And paints the sky with golden dyes.
The air is fresh, the breeze is light,
It’s a perfect day, all feels right.

Clear blue skies stretch far and wide,
And I am filled with joy inside.
The world is still, the birdsong sweet,
The sounds of nature can’t be beat.

The gentle warmth upon my skin,
Makes me feel alive within.
I close my eyes, take a deep breath,
And savour this moment before it’s left.

The world awakens with a smile,
And everything seems worthwhile.
I take a walk, with no set plan,
Just enjoying the peace of this land.

The flowers dance in the gentle breeze,
The leaves rustle in the tall trees.
I feel so alive, so full of glee,
This is where I am meant to be.

The sun continues its journey high,
And I watch it soar up to the sky.
I soak in this moment, this perfect day,
And vow to never let it slip away.

For moments like these are rare and few,
And I know that they’re meant for me and you.
So let’s enjoy this sunny morning,
And make the most of this moment without mourning.