car · frustration · road · Transport

Motorway Frustration

We’ve all come across this!

In the middle lane they linger without care,
Their pace a languid drift, unaware,
Ignoring passing lanes on either side,
As queues form behind them far and wide.

Oh, middle lane hoggers, lost in reverie,
Do you not see the chaos that you decree?
Impeding the flow, causing frustration,
A symphony of horns in exasperation.

Shouldn’t the left be your chosen abode?
Yet there you sit, a stubborn traffic node,
As faster cars approach, you hesitate,
A dance of frustration, we must navigate.

Perhaps you relish this kingdom between,
Unperturbed by the chaos you convene,
But remember, the motorway is a shared space,
Not a haven for your sluggish embrace.

So yield to the rhythm of the road’s design,
Let not your ego make others malign,
For harmony lies in lane discipline,
A courteous dance where we all can win.

Release the middle lane, let others fly,
A smoother journey under the open sky,
Let’s navigate together, with patience and grace,
And leave the middle lane’s hogging to erase.