motorbike · Tragedy · Transport

RIP Dave

In the realm of flavours, where pots and pans sing,
A biker with heart, to joy he’d bring.
Dave Myers, a legend, on roads so wide,
With a spirit untamed, a culinary guide.

Through the twists and turns of kitchen delight,
He conquered the challenges, day and night.
In the dance of spices, a maestro so grand,
A taste wizard’s touch, like a magical hand.

On screens he biked, with laughter and cheer,
A duo unique, with Si always near.
Together they rode, through gastronomic lands,
Creating memories, like grains in the sands.

Cancer’s cruel whispers, alas, took its toll,
Yet, in our hearts, Dave remains whole.
A legacy of flavours, a zest for life’s ride,
In culinary heavens, forever to abide.

Let’s raise a spatula, a toast to the skies,
For Dave Myers, who now with angels flies.
In kitchens of eternity, his flame won’t wane,
A biker, a chef, forever in our gastronomic refrain.

bravery · Fire · firefighter · Jobs · security · Tragedy

Fighting Fires

Wildfires are raging in so many places across the world but there are always heroes willing to put themselves in mortal danger to keep the rest of us safe. ChatGPT pays homage to them all, and Bing Image Creator has produced a series of images to illustrate the danger.

Amidst the flames that fiercely roar,
Brave souls arise, a valiant core,
Firefighters bold, hearts forged in grace,
They battle infernos, in every place.

Through smoky haze, they charge ahead,
A steadfast line where danger spreads,
Their courage shines, a beacon bright,
In darkest hours, they fight the fight.

With hoses held like swords of might,
They stand ‘gainst fury, day and night,
Infernos rage, yet undeterred,
They shield the innocent, their voices heard.

From scorching lands to forests green,
These heroes march, a steadfast team,
In unity, they take their stand,
Protectors true of life and land.

So let us honour, sing their praise,
For in the midst of fiery blaze,
They rise above, a selfless throng,
Firefighters brave, they make us strong.

Art · Tragedy

The Chinese Trapeze Tragedy

Inspired by a real event. So sad.

Tribute to a Trapeze Artist

Russ Pearce
A Chinese trapeze artist sadly fell to her death during a live performance with her husband. Can you write a poem paying tribute to the act focussing on the bravery and agility and the tragedy rather than the gory details.

In the spotlight’s glare, she soared,
A daring feat, a graceful score,
Her strength and skill, a sight to see,
A true embodiment of bravery.

She danced with death, on a wire thin,
Her agile body, a living hymn,
Her partner, her heart, beating as one,
Together they defied gravity, a perfect run.

The audience held their breath, in awe,
As she flew high, without a flaw,
But fate is fickle, and life unfair,
In a moment, tragedy struck, leaving despair.

The cheers turned to tears, as she fell,
Her spirit soared, but her body failed,
Leaving behind a legacy, of courage and art,
A memory that will forever be in our heart.

Though gone, she lives on, in our minds,
Her bravery, her agility, forever enshrined,
A true trapeze artist, a fearless soul,
Whose passion and dedication, will forever roll.