Lifestyle · philosophy · Sunrise


Some will love this one whilst others think it’s a load of moralistic mumbo jumbo!

In the realm of dawn’s embrace, a tale unfolds,
Where sun’s first kiss paints the sky in hues untold.
A brand new day awakens, whispers in the breeze,
As challenges dance, uncertain paths to seize.

With every rise, the horizon’s canvas gleams,
Yet shadows of doubt can shroud our hopeful dreams.
In golden rays, uncertainty may take its stand,
But courage shall guide, like a steadfast hand.

The path ahead, adorned with hurdles unforeseen,
Tests of character, like riddles in between.
But fear not, for within each daunting stride,
Resides strength and resilience, forever by your side.

Like the sun that rises above the distant shore,
Your spirit, unyielding, shall shine even more.
Embrace the trials as a chance to grow and learn,
For from the darkest night, the brightest flames do burn.

With every step, let determination arise,
As hope illuminates both heart and eyes.
For in the face of challenges, we find our way,
And navigate the dawn of this brand new day.

So as the morning sun paints a masterpiece above,
Let your spirit soar on wings of unwavering love.
Embrace the journey, no matter what lies ahead,
For within your spirit, courage shall be fed.

In sunrise’s glow, let doubt be gently swept away,
As you rise to face the challenges of this day.
For with resilience, strength, and a hopeful heart,
You shall conquer the unknown, creating your own art.