Health · Spring

Hay Fever Woes!

Is anyone else finding spring a bit of a sniffle?!

The air is sweet with blooming flowers,
And colours bright in springtime hours,
The trees awash in pastel hues,
A sight that’s lovely, fresh, and new.

But for those with hay fever’s curse,
The joys of spring can’t be much worse,
As pollen fills the gentle breeze,
And sneezing, sniffling, never ease.

The eyes can itch, the nose can run,
A constant battle with the sun,
A struggle to enjoy the scene,
As allergies rage, fierce and mean.

So while the spring is wondrous fair,
For some, it’s more than they can bear,
A time of beauty and distress,
A paradox of happiness.

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!

Spring · Weather · wind

Spring Blossom

It’s a beautiful spring morning out there, but the wind is pretty strong. Hope the blossom is strong enough to hold on!

Spring has sprung, the air is light,
A colorful scene, a pure delight,
The garden awakens from its winter’s sleep,
A joyful sight, one can’t help but keep.

The trees stand tall, with blossoms bright,
Pink, white, and yellow, a magical sight,
The wind blows strong, but with a gentle touch,
Caressing the petals, oh, so much.

I hope the wind won’t be too rough,
And blow off the blossoms, soft and tough,
For they bring such joy to our hearts,
A symbol of new beginnings, where hope starts.

So let us cherish this moment so rare,
As we bask in the warmth of the sun and fresh air,
Spring is in the air, and we’re alive,
With a garden so beautiful, how could we not thrive?

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!