rugby · Sport

Wales v England (Rugby)

In anticipation of today’s hopefully epic battle, I asked ChatGPT write a poem about England beating Wales at rugby. Hope you like it!

In fields of green and battle cries,
Two nations met with fire in their eyes.
England versus Wales, a fierce rugby fight,
Each team determined to claim the night.

The players clashed, with power and might,
Tackles flew with all their might.
The crowd roared, a deafening sound,
As both sides fought for holy ground.

But England showed their strength and skill,
Their passes crisp, their movements still.
With every try, the fans erupted in cheer,
As Wales struggled to hold back their fear.

The clock ticked down, the game drew near,
But England held their lead, without any fear.
As the final whistle blew, the victory was sealed,
England had won, and their glory revealed.

So let the roses bloom, let the English roar,
As they celebrate this triumph, forever more.
For in the heart of every rugby fan,
The memory of this win will always stand.

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!