defeat · football · Sport

The Dance of the Bruised Egos

Sport eh?! Never goes how you think it will!

Last night they took the field with pride,
And expectations ran high and wide,
The crowds had gathered in full array,
Anticipating victory on this fine day.

But the game was not to be won so easily,
For fate had other plans, as it often may be,
The opponent was fierce, with grit and might,
And every play was a valiant fight.

The battle raged on, both sides gave their all,
The game hung in the balance, like a ball,
Until the final whistle blew with a sigh,
And the scoreboard told the truth of the lie.

The team that everyone thought would win,
Was left with a bitter taste of defeat within,
Fatigue and complacency may have played a part,
But the fact remained, they were outsmarted from the start.

Bruised egos now roam the field,
As the dance of defeat they yield,
But let us not forget the lesson they’ve learned,
For in defeat, true champions are truly earned.

For it is not about the win or loss alone,
But about the journey, and the seeds that are sown,
And though the bruises may hurt and sting,
The spirit of resilience is what makes a true king.

So let us dance with our bruised egos,
With heads held high and hearts aglow,
For in every loss lies a valuable gain,
A lesson learned, and a new strength to sustain.