astronaut · chess · space

Cosmic Chess

In the vast expanse where stars do gleam,
A chessboard floats in cosmic dream.
Battles waged in zero gravity,
Astronauts ponder with strategy.

Pawns and rooks in orbits wide,
In space, the game takes an astral stride.
The queen in weightlessness gracefully glides,
Checkmate sought in celestial tides.

Cosmic chess, a challenge profound,
Gravity absent, yet moves are bound.
Astronauts ponder, minds astute,
Navigating the chessboard’s cosmic route.

Bishops dance in a weightless trance,
Knights in galactic jousting prance.
The king, vulnerable in the void,
Strategic moves carefully deployed.

Communication, a cosmic plight,
Silent signals in the starry night.
Chess in space, a cerebral race,
Challenges met in the vast embrace.

So, in the vacuum where silence reigns,
A cosmic chessboard, where intellect gains.
Pieces float with celestial grace,
A timeless game in the boundless space.