Animals · elephant · heatwave · relax · siesta · Summer · swimming · Weather

Cooling Off Elephant-Style!

In the blazing heat, an extraordinary sight,
An elephant sought respite by the pool’s light,
With grace, he settled down, oh what a thrill,
A massive reader, sipping cocktails with skill.

Amidst the laughter and the scorching sun’s glare,
He turned the pages with his gentle care,
A symbol of coolness in this summer blaze,
An elephant, immersed in words’ embrace.

The onlookers amazed, their jaws dropped low,
As the gentle giant let the hours go,
Lost in the realms of a captivating tale,
His presence alone, a soothing, grand-scale sail.

With each sip he took, his spirits soared high,
His bookish soul took flight, no need to fly,
For in this scene surreal, a lesson to behold,
In the hottest of times, find joy untold.

So, let the world stand still, amazed in glee,
As the elephant reads by the pool with ease,
A wondrous sight, a tale forever to tell,
Of a literary pachyderm’s magic spell.

laziness · Lifestyle · relax · siesta · Spain · Summer

Sultry Siesta Season

Has summer arrived in Spain? I hope so!

Under the Spanish sun, summer takes its throne,
As sultry siesta season claims its own.
A languid haze envelops the land,
Inviting all to rest, to drift and expand.

The streets grow quiet, the air still and calm,
As siesta’s lullaby sings its soothing psalm.
Shadows dance lazily in the midday heat,
While time slows down to a gentle, drowsy beat.

The siesta hour whispers a sweet refrain,
An invitation to escape the mundane.
In hammocks and shades, we find our retreat,
In dreams and siestas, life finds its complete.

The scent of oranges perfumes the air,
As citrus blossoms tangle with summer’s flair.
The world stands still, a tranquil, peaceful bliss,
As siesta season brings a tender, gentle kiss.

From Seville to Barcelona, Madrid to the coast,
The siesta’s allure captivates the most.
In the hushed hours of the afternoon haze,
We indulge in rest, in leisure’s embrace.

So, let us surrender to siesta’s hold,
Where time stretches and stories unfold.
In the sultry siesta season, we find release,
In Spain’s warm embrace, tranquility’s masterpiece.