christmas · shopping

Christmas Shopping

In aisles of chaos, tinsel hung,
A mission grim, where carols clung.
Through throngs of shoppers, scowls abound,
I faced the challenge, shopping ground.

The list in hand, a daunting feat,
Each aisle a maze, a cold deceit.
The carts collide, a jingle bell,
A shopping saga, oh, how swell.

The checkouts manned by grinches sour,
Their beeps and boops, a dismal hour.
Yet, triumph claimed in bitter taste,
The first to finish, in this race.

The festive crowd, unaware,
My victory in the shopping lair.
I snatch the last, the sought-out treat,
A feast achieved with no retreat.

No cheer, no joy, just empty carts,
The aisles echo with silent hearts.
The task complete, a bitter win,
In solitude, a grim chagrin.

Animals · shopping · sloth

When the Sloth went Shopping

In London’s bustling heart, a sloth appeared,
A rare sight on Oxford Street, so revered.
With measured steps, he strolled along the way,
Amidst the crowd, where tourists laughed and played.

His fur, a coat of mossy brown and tan,
A gentle creature, moving like a fan.
In shops and stores, he sought his daily needs,
Selecting goods with care at leisurely speeds.

Amidst the throng, he offered high-fives true,
A joyous act that made the tourists coo.
With outstretched claws, he brought a smile so wide,
Enchanting all who wandered by his side.

While hurried souls rushed on their paths unknown,
The sloth, serene, explored the streets alone.
A symbol of slow living, he did teach,
In busy lives, the importance to reach.

As dusk approached, his shopping done, he’d go,
Yet memories of his stroll would still glow.
A tale to tell, of sloth on Oxford Street,
A day of peace and joy, a moment sweet.


The Waiting Game

Waiting for a delivery,
Can be quite a nervous time,
Will it arrive on schedule,
Or will it be delayed and decline?

But fret not, dear friend,
For the odds are in your favor,
That package will soon be yours,
And you’ll be the happy receiver.

The carrier may be running late,
Or the route may seem obscure,
But rest assured that your package,
Is on its way, that much is sure.

Take a deep breath, relax and wait,
Enjoy the moment, have some tea,
Your delivery will be there soon,
In your hands, where it should be.

So don’t worry, don’t be scared,
For your package is on the way,
Soon you’ll hold it in your hands,
And anxieties will fade away.

Communication · Domestic Matters · Lifestyle · mobile phone · shopping

Dirty Laundry

This was inspired by real life events today!

In the men’s underwear section of Primark,
I heard a conversation that left its mark,
Two women on speakerphone, so loud and clear,
Air their dirty laundry for all to hear.

I tried to ignore, to mind my own space,
But their voices carried, invading my place,
Details of their lives spilled out unrestrained,
As if privacy and boundaries were to be disdained.

Why must we suffer such an unwanted fate,
To be privy to others’ personal debate?
Can’t we keep our lives private, just between us,
And avoid airing dirty laundry in public thus?

Perhaps it’s the age of social media fame,
That makes some forget privacy is not a game,
But let’s remember, when in public space,
Respect others’ boundaries and keep a private pace.

So next time you feel the urge to share,
Think twice about who else might be there,
And if in doubt, keep it to yourself,
For privacy is a precious form of wealth.