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When life knocks you down, just get up again!

Bouncebackability, the art of rising
From the ashes of defeat,
The strength to keep on striving,
Despite the bitter taste of defeat.

It’s a quality we all possess,
To varying degrees,
The ability to rise again,
When life brings us to our knees.

In football it’s often used,
To describe a team’s resilience,
Their ability to come back strong,
After suffering a painful instance.

But Bouncebackability is more than that,
It’s a life skill we all need,
To weather the storms of life,
And emerge from them indeed.

It’s about having the courage,
To face our fears head on,
And when life knocks us down,
To get up and carry on.

For every time we stumble,
We learn and we grow,
Our resilience is strengthened,
And our inner strength will show.

So let us all embrace,
This quality within our hearts,
For Bouncebackability is not just a word,
It’s a way of life, a brand new start.