bus · humour · mobile phone · Transport

On the Bus

It was an entertaining journey!

On a bus in London town,
A man stood up and spoke aloud,
Entertaining all around,
With a tale that left us wowed.

He said he was off to the hospital,
But not for an injury or ailment,
Rather, to charge his phone, for all
He cared about was staying current.

And as the journey wore on,
His behavior became quite clear,
He was high as a kite, with a dawn
Of realization that drew near.

He admitted to smoking weed,
As we all filed off the bus,
The most obvious statement, indeed,
But it was one that caused no fuss.

For in his own way, this man,
Had brought joy to a mundane ride,
And though his methods may seem grand,
His presence left us all feeling alive.

So let us not judge or criticize,
The actions of those we do not know,
For in their own way, they surprise
And leave us with memories that glow.

Communication · humour · social media

Who Writes These Memes?!

A bit of social commentary today!!

Who writes these memes, so lacking in wit,
That flood our timelines bit by bit?
Each one more cringeworthy than the last,
Making us wonder who’s laughing at that.

They’re like a virus, spreading fast and wide,
With no cure in sight, nowhere to hide.
From silly puns to offensive jokes,
They make us groan, they make us choke.

Who writes these memes, with no sense of shame,
That leave us feeling just the same?
They think they’re funny, but we’re not so sure,
They make us wish we could find a cure.

But alas, they keep coming, day by day,
Filling our feeds, in every way.
We scroll and scroll, hoping to find,
Something better, something more kind.

So who writes these memes, we may never know,
But one thing’s for sure, they need to go.
Let’s hope for a future, with better content,
And say goodbye to these memes, so unpleasant.


April Fools

Be careful what you read today. Not sure how seriously ChatGPT took the task today as I’m a bit uncomfortable with the idea of exchanging the toilet paper for streamers then hanging around to see the reaction!

Oh, April Fools’ Day, how merry and bright,
When we play jokes and laugh with all our might,
A day of pranks and trickery so sly,
Where laughter and glee are sure to multiply.

We swap the salt with sugar so sweet,
And watch as our friends try to eat,
We place a whoopee cushion on a chair,
And chuckle as our victim gets a scare.

We hide our co-worker’s stapler or pen,
And watch as they search again and again,
We fake a spider and scream in fright,
Then giggle when our friends jump with all their might.

We put googly eyes on everything we see,
And watch as our friends laugh with glee,
We replace the toilet paper with streamers so bright,
And see their reaction with pure delight.

Oh, April Fools’ Day, you are a delight,
With your tricks and pranks that are just right,
May we always keep the spirit alive,
And let the laughter and joy thrive.