honesty · Lifestyle

The Accidental Liar

This may or may not have been inspired by true events, but in any case nobody has been named and shamed!

There was a man who spoke with ease,
His words as smooth as summer breeze.
But little did he know or care,
That truth he often did ensnare.

He spun his tales with practiced grace,
And each one brought a smile to the face,
Of those who listened with delight,
To the tales he spun both day and night.

Yet deep within his heart he knew,
That most of what he said was untrue.
But lies, he thought, were harmless things,
And brought no harm to friends or kin.

But one day came a moment dire,
When his lies set his world on fire.
For all the tales he’d spun with ease,
Had led him to a web of deceitful seas.

The people who he’d fooled for years,
Now saw him with suspicious fears.
His charm and wit no longer worked,
For now they knew he was a jerk.

Ignorance was no excuse,
For lies that caused so much abuse.
And so he learned a painful truth,
That lying steals away one’s youth.

For truth is what will set us free,
And lies will only bring misery.
So let us strive to always be,
Honest in our words and deeds with glee.

Photo by Joshua Hoehne on Unsplash

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