celebration · children · Family · halloween · Lifestyle

Happy Halloween

In the autumn’s chill, on Halloween’s eve,
Children don costumes, make-believe they weave.
With lanterns glowing, faces full of glee,
They set out on an adventure, wild and free.

In neighbourhoods adorned with spiderwebs and bats,
They ask for trick-or-treat in witch’s hats.
From door to door, they roam with lantern light,
Collecting sweet treasures in the dark of night.

Giggles and laughter, their joy fills the air,
As little ghosts and goblins with a friendly scare.
In this magical moment, they run and play,
Celebrating Halloween in their own special way.

When the moon shines bright and the stars align,
Children’s spirits soar, their faces all a-shine.
On Halloween, they revel in the fun,
A night of pure enchantment for everyone.