ambition · Animals · birds · flamingo · goose

The Goose who thought he was a Flamingo

In a meadow, where the waters flow,
Lived a goose, with feathers all aglow.
With long, slender legs, he’d stand so tall,
A flamingo’s spirit, he did enthral.

His webbed feet, oh, how they yearned to be
Graceful and pink, like those wading free.
With each step, he’d mimic their ballet,
Dreaming of flying in a different way.

His honks would echo, with a hopeful plea,
“Let me join your flock, and I’ll surely see,
What it’s like to be elegant and grand,
A flamingo, soaring across the land.”

The flamingos, they looked upon him kind,
Embracing his spirit, they didn’t mind.
Together they’d dance, under twilight’s glow,
A goose who thought he was a flamingo.