friendship · Health

A Toast to Dear Departed Friends

🥂 To our dear departed friends! 🌟❤️

In the quiet of twilight, we gather ’round,
A circle of memories, on hallowed ground.
We raise our glasses to those who’ve passed,
Their laughter, their love, forever cast.

To the dreamers who danced under moonlit skies,
Their spirits now stars, painting constellations high.
They taught us to wonder, embrace the unknown,
Their legacy etched in stardust, forever sown.

To the poets who penned verses of love and pain,
Their ink flowing like rivers, hearts unchained.
Their words echo through time, a whispered refrain,
Guiding us through darkness, soothing every strain.

To the adventurers who sailed uncharted seas,
Their ships carried hope, caught in destiny’s breeze.
They sought distant shores, where horizon meets sky,
Their courage unfurling sails, as they learned to fly.

To the artists who painted life’s vibrant hues,
Their canvases ablaze with passion, love, and muse.
They captured sunsets, rainbows, and fleeting grace,
Their strokes immortalized, in every sacred space.

And so, we raise our glasses, hearts intertwined,
To dear departed friends, their legacy enshrined.
In laughter, tears, and shared moments we hold,
Their spirits linger, timeless stories retold.

Here’s to you, dear friends, wherever you may be,
In the symphony of memory, forever free.
May your light guide us onward, as we raise our glass,
To the love that transcends future, present and past.

Health · Summer · sunshine · Weather

Summer Heatwaves

Looks like we’re in for a scorching summer in the Northern hemisphere. Take care out there!

In blazing days of summer’s reign,
Beware the heatwaves’ scorching pain.
Let caution guide your every stride,
For safety’s sake, stay cool and wide.

When sun ascends its golden throne,
And heat waves dance upon earth’s zone,
Remember, friends, to shield your skin,
With sunscreen’s grace, the burn we’ll win.

Stay hydrated, drink waters pure,
For thirst’s deceit can be obscure.
Quench your body’s ardent plea,
To beat the heat, stay fluid and free.

In midday’s might, seek shades of cool,
To guard against the sun’s fierce rule.
Take respite in the gentle breeze,
Find solace under sheltering trees.

In summer’s grasp, let wisdom bloom,
Take heed of heat’s relentless fume.
Embrace precautions, stay aware,
And summer’s glory you shall share.

beer · Countries · czechia · Domestic Matters · food · germany · Health · poland

Beer, Bratties and Bread = Belly!

The threat is real! The problem is, how can you resist?!

In lands of beauty and hearty cheer,
I set my sights on Poland, so dear.
But alas, my indulgence took its toll,
For beer and bread burdened my belly’s role.

Oh, Poland, land of pierogi and stout,
I reveled in feasts, without a doubt.
Yet with each gulp and bite I consumed,
My waistline expanded, my vigor entombed.

Germany, a land of rich cuisine,
Sausages and pretzels, a tempting scene.
But as I roamed through cities vast,
My bloated belly slowed me down at last.

Czechia’s beer, renowned and revered,
Quenched my thirst, but left me smeared.
For as I wandered through lovely old streets,
My heavy gut reminded me of my feats.

So heed this caution, fellow wanderers brave,
Though temptation beckons, be wise and save.
Moderation is key, a lesson well-learned,
For excess indulgence leaves your belly churned.

Health · Lifestyle

Fresh Air Frustration

I’m sure I’m not the only one that suffers from this!

I seek the open air, so crisp and clean,
A place to rest my mind and let it dream.
But as I settle down and breathe deep,
Another smoker comes and spoils my treat.

Their cigarette smoke curls and twists,
A cloud of toxins, noxious mist.
It fills my lungs, it stings my eyes,
I choke and cough, my calmness dies.

I ask them kindly, “Could you please
Find another spot to smoke and breathe?”
But they just shrug and carry on,
Their freedom to smoke is not yet gone.

So once again, I move away,
To find a spot where I can stay
And breathe in air that’s free and clear,
Without the stench of smoke so near.


Just a Cold

I’ve been a bit under the weather recently. It’s amazing how we just automatically think it’s something worse these days.

In days of old, a sniffle and a sneeze
Were easily shrugged off with a simple breeze
A cold was just a minor thing
No cause for concern, no reason to cling

But now, in times of Covid’s reign
Every cough and sniffle causes pain
Is it just a cold, or something more?
We check our temp, and feel unsure

We wear our masks, and wash our hands
We try to follow all the health demands
But still, the worry lingers on
Is this just a cold, or has the virus won?

Our health is so much harder now
We worry more, we question how
A simple sniffle feels like a threat
A cold, a flu, or something we’ll regret

We must be vigilant, and stay aware
Of every symptom, every cough, every scare
And though it’s hard, we must keep strong
Until this virus is no longer among

So let us hope for brighter days
When colds are just a minor phase
And health is once again secure
No longer fraught with so much unsure.

Health · Spring

Hay Fever Woes!

Is anyone else finding spring a bit of a sniffle?!

The air is sweet with blooming flowers,
And colours bright in springtime hours,
The trees awash in pastel hues,
A sight that’s lovely, fresh, and new.

But for those with hay fever’s curse,
The joys of spring can’t be much worse,
As pollen fills the gentle breeze,
And sneezing, sniffling, never ease.

The eyes can itch, the nose can run,
A constant battle with the sun,
A struggle to enjoy the scene,
As allergies rage, fierce and mean.

So while the spring is wondrous fair,
For some, it’s more than they can bear,
A time of beauty and distress,
A paradox of happiness.

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!