dali · Family · grief · surrealism

Tears from Heaven

In the quiet of night, when stars weep unseen,
The heavens release their sorrow, a celestial stream.
Each drop carries memories, love, and pain,
A message from those departed, a bittersweet refrain.

Loss weighs heavy on our hearts, grief a relentless tide,
Yet hope blooms like a fragile flower, refusing to hide.
The rain falls not in sorrow, but in vibrant hues,
For every tear holds a promise—the future we choose.

See the rainbows in the tears, a bridge to the beyond,
Where loved ones dance in sunlight, their presence ever fond.
They whisper secrets in the droplets, stories left untold,
Guiding us through storms, reminding us we’re not alone.

So when the skies weep, remember this divine art,
The tears from heaven carry messages from the heart.
Loss may break us, but hope stitches us anew,
And rainbows remind us: love transcends, forever true.

Family · travel

The Northern Lights

Beneath the Arctic’s icy sheen,
A couple’s love, a daring dream.
They brave the cold, hand in hand,
In frozen landscapes, a love so grand.

Northern Lights, a cosmic dance,
A celestial display, a rare chance.
It’s cold outside, yet warmth they share,
Around the campfire, a love to declare.

Mountains whisper tales untold,
In the Arctic night, love unfolds.
Through frozen realms, they explore,
A timeless journey, forevermore.

The chill bites deep, but spirits soar,
In the Arctic’s embrace, they adore.
A cosmic serenade, a love untold,
In the Arctic night, a story unfolds.

Hand in hand, beneath starry lights,
They find love’s glow, a guiding light.
In the cold outside, views so divine,
Arctic love, an eternal shrine.

celebration · Family · new year

Three’s A Crowd

In a cozy corner bathed in golden light,
A couple sips cava, New Year’s Eve in sight.
They clink their glasses, laughter pure and loud,
But in their joy, they sense a gathering cloud.

As the clock ticks down, a tranquil scene,
A trio formed, serene and so serene.
Yet, midst the bubbles of the sparkling wine,
A friend appears, her presence, not benign.

Three’s a crowd, a truth they can’t evade,
The intimate moment begins to fade.
She joins the countdown with a merry sound,
But in their hearts, a quiet discomfort is found.

The couple steals glances, a shared dismay,
As the friend persists, won’t go away.
Resolute in her company, she stands proud,
Yet, the couple yearns for a private shroud.

Midnight strikes, confetti fills the air,
A new year born, burdened by the trio’s share.
The couple’s gaze meets, an understanding glance,
Three’s a crowd, they realize, in this dance.

In the aftermath, the friend departs,
Leaving behind fractured, tender hearts.
The couple, alone, in the quietude,
Reflects on the intrusion, their solitude.

So, in the echoes of the New Year’s chime,
They find solace, sharing a private rhyme.
Three’s a crowd, a lesson learned anew,
In the silent moments, love remains true.

celebration · children · Family · halloween · Lifestyle

Happy Halloween

In the autumn’s chill, on Halloween’s eve,
Children don costumes, make-believe they weave.
With lanterns glowing, faces full of glee,
They set out on an adventure, wild and free.

In neighbourhoods adorned with spiderwebs and bats,
They ask for trick-or-treat in witch’s hats.
From door to door, they roam with lantern light,
Collecting sweet treasures in the dark of night.

Giggles and laughter, their joy fills the air,
As little ghosts and goblins with a friendly scare.
In this magical moment, they run and play,
Celebrating Halloween in their own special way.

When the moon shines bright and the stars align,
Children’s spirits soar, their faces all a-shine.
On Halloween, they revel in the fun,
A night of pure enchantment for everyone.

Family · relax · Summer

A Right Royal Time on Brighton Beach

Anyone else remember when the Queen dragged her family and the deckchairs down to the Sussex coast? No, me neither! ChatGPT makes it sound like a historical fact, and where did they find any sand?!!

In Brighton, where waves caress the shore,
A sight to behold, a scene to adore,
The royal family, their spirits high,
Brought deckchairs aplenty, ‘neath the azure sky.

A right royal time on the beach,
Where sunbeams danced, just out of reach,
Amidst the laughter and playful glee,
The regal souls found solace by the sea.

With grace and charm, they lounged and smiled,
Their crowns set aside, the atmosphere beguiled,
For on the beach, where pebbles meet the foam,
They sought respite, their hearts felt at home.

The Queen, her corgis frolicked in the sand,
While Princes and Princesses built castles grand,
Their voices echoed, mingling with seagulls’ cry,
As they basked in the sun, under heaven’s eye.

The Duchess of Cambridge, with children at her side,
Shared stories of enchantment, their imaginations wide,
Prince Charles, lost in thought, his cares released,
Found solace in the whispers of the gentlest breeze.

United by the ocean’s soothing embrace,
The royal kinship, a harmonious space,
Deckchairs arranged, a symphony of repose,
A respite from duties, from their regal throes.

And as the tides painted the canvas of the shore,
They savoured moments, treasures to adore,
A right royal time, in Brighton’s sandy bay,
Forever etched in memories, come what may.

So let it be known, that on that sunny day,
The royal families sought joy in their own special way,
In deckchairs on Brighton beach, they found retreat,
A testament to love, and moments so sweet.

Family · food · sunshine

Scones by the Med!

Not quite cake by the ocean!!

(Verse 1)
We’re sitting on the beach, feeling so high,
With our scones by the Med, oh, my oh my.
The salty breeze, the sun shining bright,
Dunking scones in tea, it feels just right.

Let’s have scones by the Med, oh, what a treat,
No cake by the ocean, just scones we’ll eat.
With clotted cream and jam, it’s the perfect blend,
Scones by the Med, let the joy never end.

(Verse 2)
We’ll spread some butter on our scone so warm,
While seagulls sing along to the crashing storm.
The waves tickle our toes, the sand in our hair,
Scones by the Med, there’s no better affair.

Let’s have scones by the Med, oh, what a treat,
No cake by the ocean, just scones we’ll eat.
With clotted cream and jam, it’s the perfect blend,
Scones by the Med, let the joy never end.

Forget the frosting, let’s have scones and tea,
A delightful moment, just you and me.
The Mediterranean view, the scones so divine,
Let’s indulge in this pleasure, just one more time.

Let’s have scones by the Med, oh, what a treat,
No cake by the ocean, just scones we’ll eat.
With clotted cream and jam, it’s the perfect blend,
Scones by the Med, let the joy never end.

As the sun starts to set, and the day turns to night,
We’ll cherish this memory, oh, what a delight.
Scones by the Med, a parody so sweet,
A tasty twist on a song, a treat to repeat.

celebration · Family · grandma · Lifestyle

Grandma’s Century

A bitter sweet day bringing tears to our eyes. What an illustration by Bing Create though!

On this day, a century ago,
A precious soul began to grow,
A life so full, so deeply blessed,
Whose memory lingers, brings us rest.

With tender heart and gentle grace,
She brightened every sombre space,
Her love, a beacon in the night,
Guiding us towards what is right.

In tea and scones, her warmth was found,
A comforting presence all around,
Through tales of old and stories grand,
Her wisdom like a steady hand.

In her eyes, twinkled stardust dreams,
A spirit vast, like rolling streams,
She danced with joy in every stride,
Inviting us to walk beside.

Her laughter, like a soothing chime,
Echoes through the sands of time,
A symphony of love and mirth,
A testament to her boundless worth.

Though she has left this mortal plane,
Her legacy forever will remain,
In cherished thoughts, she’ll never part,
Her spirit nestled in each heart.

So raise a glass, with love sincere,
To honour one we hold so dear,
In celebration, let us find,
Her light forever, in our mind.

Though tears may fall upon this day,
Her spirit guides us on our way,
In every whisper of the breeze,
Her love continues, brings us ease.

For in our hearts, her flame shall glow,
A beacon through both joy and woe,
Our dearest grandma, we’ll forever adore,
Today, we toast a hundred years and more.