celebration · Eurovision

Eurovision 2023

It’s a very special night for many. It’s Eurovision!

A Eurovision party, what a sight to behold
Flags from all nations, a colorful unfold
Dancing with cutouts of hosts, oh what fun
Sir Terry, Graham, Richie, all rolled into one

The beats are pounding, the music’s alive
From Ukraine to Portugal, we all strive
To sing along and dance with glee
A night of joy and revelry

In between the songs, we cast our votes
Who’ll win the coveted Eurovision notes?
The excitement builds with every score
As we cheer on the ones we adore

The costumes, the pyrotechnics, the drama
The Eurovision party’s got it all, ma!
And as the night draws to a close
We leave with memories nobody knows

Of dancing with cardboard cutouts, so surreal
Of singing and laughing with such zeal
The Eurovision party, oh what a blast
A night of magic that will forever last.

Art · celebration · Eurovision · Lifestyle

It’s Eurovision Week!

Love it or hate it, the time has come to celebrate Eurovision!!

Oh Eurovision, how we adore
Your glitz and glam, and so much more
A celebration of music and fun
From all across the continent, we come

From Abba to Celine Dion
Your stars have shone, and carried on
With costumes bold and dances wild
Your kitschiness has always beguiled

A spectacle that’s hard to beat
From heartfelt ballads to cheesy treats
You’ve given us so much joy and glee
Oh Eurovision, we bow to thee

Your quirky lyrics and catchy tunes
Have made us dance, and sing along too soon
We love the way you bring us all together
For a night of music that lasts forever

So let the glitter fall like rain
And let us all sing and dance again
For Eurovision, we’re all a part
Of a beautiful, kitschy work of art.