football · Sport · work

The Managerial Merry-Go-Round

It’s silly season in football, so here’s a little ditty paying homage to the managers who come and go.

In the English Premier League,
The managerial merry-go-round does spin
Clubs change bosses at the drop of a hat
As if hoping for a magical win.

One moment a coach is adored,
Tactics and vision are praised high
But then it all changes in a day
A few losses and they say goodbye.

The cycle goes on season after season
Pressure to perform never ends
For no matter the fame or reputation
The axe can fall around any bend.

And so the merry-go-round keeps spinning
An endless carousel of change
As clubs seek to find the missing piece
That leads them to glory and beyond, a new range.

For as the managerial merry-go-round turns
And managers come and go
It’s the fans who remain forever true
Supporting through thick and thin, highs and lows.

food · work

The Inspectors

On my recent trip to Madrid for a training session with fellow exam inspectors, I showed them what ChatGPT can do. Everyone was a little surprised by how good the poetry was, so here’s one for them!

In Madrid with exam inspectors,
A team reunited after three years,
Their duty to ensure the rules are met,
For English language exams, no fears.

Laughter fills the air as they catch up,
A great time had by all, it seems,
But training on new regulations is a must,
A serious matter, not just dreams.

And oh, the food! The lunch buffet,
A feast for all to enjoy,
The dinner the night before, a display,
Of scrumptious tapas and pizza, oh boy!

Aubergine parmigiana, a delight,
As they discussed the work ahead,
A team united, their mission in sight,
To ensure exams are fairly led.

In Madrid, they worked hard and played,
A memory to cherish forevermore,
And with ChatGPT’s poem, they’ll be swayed,
To relive the experience and adore.

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!

Domestic Matters · work

Death by Powerpoint

To be fair, the people presenting today are good with clean and relevant slides. That’s not always been the case though, so here is ChatGPT’s tribute to Death by PowerPoint.

In meeting rooms across the land,
The curse of PowerPoint is at hand.
Slides upon slides of bullet points,
A slow and painful death it appoints.

The speaker drones on, no end in sight,
The audience struggles to stay upright.
Information overload, it seems,
A never-ending stream of business themes.

Clip art images with cheesy smiles,
The boredom lasts for miles and miles.
Charts and graphs that make no sense,
The audience’s patience is intensely tense.

Death by PowerPoint, the fate we dread,
Hours of meetings, a constant spread.
No end in sight, no relief in sight,
The agony lasts throughout the night.

So, let us break free from this curse,
From PowerPoint slides we must disperse.
For life is too short to waste away,
In meetings that steal our precious day.

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!