food · steak · wine

Steak and Wine

That’s my afternoon sorted! Love the AI generated illustration too!

Oh, succulent steak, how divine
On this lazy Sunday of mine
The sizzle, the smell, the taste so true
Makes my heart sing, my soul anew

The meat so tender, juicy and red
Seared to perfection, seasoned and bred
The knife slides through, like butter it seems
Oh, this heavenly feast, beyond my wildest dreams

And what’s a steak without its mate
A glass of red wine, oh so great
A swirl, a sniff, a sip so bold
A perfect pairing, as I am told

The tannins, the flavors, the notes so fine
Compliment the steak, like a dance so divine
A match made in heaven, this culinary delight
This perfect pairing, on this Sunday night

And as I savour each delicious bite
I raise my glass, and thank the night
For this wonderful meal, this moment so sweet
This succulent steak, and this red wine treat.