Art · aubergine · food · tomato

Terror in the Kitchen!

This is inspired by a performance we saw at the puppet theatre in Baku, Azerbaijan, many years ago.
I still have nightmares!!!!

In the kitchen on a moonlit night so still,
A mutant tomato and aubergine did thrill,
With twisted vines and hues of eerie red,
They rose from their pots, filled with dread.

Their skins contorted, strange shapes they bore,
In the pale moonlight, an ominous roar,
They rolled on the counter, a gruesome sight,
Terrorizing the kitchen, causing a fright.

The tomato with tentacles, a monstrous feat,
It slithered and squirmed, none could defeat,
The aubergine, with eyes like burning coals,
Haunted the shelves, claiming their roles.

Together they danced, a macabre waltz,
Leaving a trail of sauce and purple salts,
Pots and pans clanged, the fridge did quake,
As the mutant duo caused quite a wake.

But as dawn approached, their powers did wane,
The mutant tomato and aubergine, they waned,
Back to their pots, they returned with the light,
Leaving the kitchen, no longer a fright.

Though the night was strange, filled with dread,
The mutant tomato and aubergine had fled,
In the kitchen, now calm, bathed in the day’s grace,
The memory of their terror, but a moonlit trace.