Architecture · coffee · relax · sunshine · travel

In the Shadow of the Alhambra

In the shadow of the Alhambra, where the walls are painted red,
I sit beneath the ancient trees, where soft leaves overhead
Create a haven from the sun, fierce in Andalusian skies,
While tourists trudge in scorching heat, with sweat in tired eyes.

A coffee cup within my hand, its warmth a gentle grace,
The flavour mingles on my tongue, a slow and sweet embrace.
The cobblestones beneath my feet, worn smooth by countless years,
Whisper tales of history, of triumphs and of tears.

The distant hum of busy streets, the chatter and the clink,
As travellers seek the storied past, to drink and deeply think.
Yet here within this shaded square, a world away it seems,
From all the rush and flurry, from their sunburnt, fleeting dreams.

The scent of jasmine in the air, a soft and fragrant breeze,
Carries with it melodies, of flamenco and of ease.
The Alhambra watches from its height, majestic, proud, and grand,
A sentinel of ages past, in this timeless, tranquil land.

I sip my coffee, slowly, savouring the moment’s calm,
The world outside a blur of heat, here a gentle, cooling balm.
In the shadow of the Alhambra, where the past and present blend,
I find a peaceful refuge, in this square, a faithful friend.

Let the tourists chase the sun, with maps and fervent strides,
I’ll stay within this leafy nook, where Andalusia hides.
In the shadow of the Alhambra, where history and comfort meet,
I’ll drink my coffee, dream my dreams, in this shaded, cool retreat.

clocks · Domestic Matters · Summer · Time · Winter

Changing Times

In summer’s warm embrace, we basked with glee,
The sunlit days, so carefree and bright,
But now, the winds of winter swiftly flee,
And darkness claims the early hours of night.

As leaves turn gold and crimson, falling slow,
The world transforms, in colours all ablaze,
Yet in our cosy homes, we soon must know,
The clocks in every room must change their phase.

But oh, the task of remembering them all,
From kitchen to the hallway, one by one,
As time slips by, we hear the chiming call,
To set the hands to greet the frosty sun.

In this transition, seasons bid farewell,
From summer’s warmth to winter’s cold embrace,
The ticking clocks, their tales they’ll surely tell,
Of time’s unceasing march, at its own pace.

Art · aubergine · food · tomato

Terror in the Kitchen!

This is inspired by a performance we saw at the puppet theatre in Baku, Azerbaijan, many years ago.
I still have nightmares!!!!

In the kitchen on a moonlit night so still,
A mutant tomato and aubergine did thrill,
With twisted vines and hues of eerie red,
They rose from their pots, filled with dread.

Their skins contorted, strange shapes they bore,
In the pale moonlight, an ominous roar,
They rolled on the counter, a gruesome sight,
Terrorizing the kitchen, causing a fright.

The tomato with tentacles, a monstrous feat,
It slithered and squirmed, none could defeat,
The aubergine, with eyes like burning coals,
Haunted the shelves, claiming their roles.

Together they danced, a macabre waltz,
Leaving a trail of sauce and purple salts,
Pots and pans clanged, the fridge did quake,
As the mutant duo caused quite a wake.

But as dawn approached, their powers did wane,
The mutant tomato and aubergine, they waned,
Back to their pots, they returned with the light,
Leaving the kitchen, no longer a fright.

Though the night was strange, filled with dread,
The mutant tomato and aubergine had fled,
In the kitchen, now calm, bathed in the day’s grace,
The memory of their terror, but a moonlit trace.

curry · fish · food

Fish Curry

Fancy a fish curry tonight, my dear?
With flavours that dance and bring us cheer,
In a pot, spices blend, a culinary delight,
Let’s savour each bite by the soft candlelight.

The fish, tender and bathed in a golden hue,
With coconut milk, it’s a dish to pursue,
A hint of chilli, a touch of lime’s zing,
In this curry, our taste buds will sing.

Aromas waft through the air, so divine,
As we sip on some wine, our hearts entwine,
Rice on the side, naan bread to share,
In this moment, my love, nothing else to compare.

So let’s dine in this cosy, candlelit room,
In the flickering glow, our love shall bloom,
Fancy a fish curry tonight, my sweet,
With every bite, our love story we’ll repeat.

cleaning · Domestic Matters · friendship · Lifestyle

Ready for Guests

In a house, all set for guests so dear,
Every corner shines, there’s nothing to fear,
With care we’ve readied, a warm embrace we’ll share,
As we await the friends, in laughter and cheer.

The rooms now gleaming, bathed in golden light,
Each surface polished, a welcoming sight,
With fragrant blooms and candles, burning bright,
Our hearts aglow, anticipation takes flight.

The table’s set with finest china and grace,
A feast awaits, a sumptuous embrace,
From appetizers to desserts, a taste of every space,
To savor and enjoy, as time we’ll efface.

The garden, a haven, in pristine attire,
Where fragrant blooms and colors conspire,
A tranquil pool, where dreams aspire,
Beneath the stars, our spirits shall respire.

So as we gather here, a joyful band,
In this haven we’ve prepared, so grand,
With laughter, stories, hand in hand,
In this cherished home, forever we’ll stand.

cleaning · Domestic Matters

Cleaning Up

Thankfully it wasn’t too bad for us this time! Really feel for those who had it much worse.

After the storm, a scene unveiled,
Saharan sands upon the patio hailed,
Nature’s artistry in shades of rust,
A daunting task, a cleanup is a must.

Beneath the sun’s unforgiving glare,
Footprints of the desert everywhere,
Brooms in hand, we gather ’round,
To reclaim our sanctuary, dusty ground.

Each sweep and scrub, a rhythmic dance,
As we restore our outdoor expanse,
Whispering winds may have their say,
But we’ll chase the sand and make it sway.

In unity, we work, a determined team,
Chasing away the desert’s dream,
With every stroke, we clear the way,
To enjoy our patio another day.

chillies · food · surrealism

Revenge of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers

In lands where fiery sunsets kiss the sky,
Where brave souls seek the heat that makes them sigh,
A tale unfolds of passion, bold and free,
For those who savor chillies, hotter than the sea.

Oh, lovers of the flame that dances high,
Embracing tongues with tingles, oh so spry,
You chase the Scoville scale’s uncharted zones,
Where capsaicin’s fire in each bite is sown.

From habaneros to the ghostly white,
You march through pepper fields with pure delight,
Your taste buds dare to brave the blazing storm,
As sweat-drops glisten, faces start to transform.

The Carolina Reapers, like devils red,
Ignite your senses, yet you forge ahead,
In curry pots and salsas, there they gleam,
A symphony of spice, your fervent dream.

So here’s to you, intrepid chili heart,
Whose cravings never waver, nor depart,
Your passion burns much brighter than the sun,
In each scorching bite, a tale of love is spun.

With every fiery mouthful you embrace,
A testament to ardour and to grace,
May your journey through the peppers’ fiery art,
Forever warm the cockles of your daring heart.

cheese · food · wine

Cheese and Wine

In a sunlit vineyard, we find delight,
Where cheese and wine dance into the night.
Their flavors entwined, a timeless pair,
A symphony of pleasures beyond compare.

Soft brie caresses the tongue’s embrace,
Mellowed cheddar adds its bold embrace.
With every sip, the wine’s notes unfold,
A waltz of sensations, a story retold.

Gouda’s allure, a caramel dream,
As reds and whites swirl in a gleam.
In harmony, they unite and blend,
An epicurean journey, we transcend.

Camembert whispers a gentle sigh,
As the velvety merlot draws nigh.
They paint a canvas of divine bliss,
A duet of flavors, a tender kiss.

From vineyards to cellars, we explore,
The joys of cheese and wine we adore.
So raise your glass, let’s toast the pair,
In the joys of cheese and wine, we share.

Domestic Matters · travel · washing

Home Again

“Home Again”

Upon returning from afar,
A journey reached, like shooting star,
Chores await with open door,
To settle in, to sweep the floor.

Laundry whispers, piles embrace,
Washing tales of wander’s chase,
Kitchen calls, a feast to make,
Flavors blend from lands awake.

Dusty shelves, memories stored,
Souvenirs from abroad adored,
Garden yearns for tender touch,
Nurtured green, it blooms so much.

In bed’s embrace, dreams take flight,
In slumber’s realm, we reunite,
For home again, where love remains,
A place to rest, where joy sustains.

Animals · banana · birds · food · fruit · penguin · surrealism

The Penguin and the Banana

Lacking inspiration today, I went for something completely random!!

In icy realms where snowflakes dance,
A penguin waddled with a merry prance.
Curiosity sparked, it found a treat,
A yellow treasure, sweet to eat.

With beady eyes and flippers wide,
The penguin approached, its heart a-tide.
A banana ripe, its hue so bright,
A fruity feast, a rare delight.

The penguin pondered, unsure and bold,
Should it nibble or leave the fruit untold?
With a playful peck, it took a bite,
Banana and penguin, a whimsical sight.

In icy lands, a bond was formed,
A penguin’s joy, a banana adorned.
Nature’s whimsy in a friendship’s swirl,
A penguin’s delight, a banana’s twirl.