bus · humour · mobile phone · Transport

On the Bus

It was an entertaining journey!

On a bus in London town,
A man stood up and spoke aloud,
Entertaining all around,
With a tale that left us wowed.

He said he was off to the hospital,
But not for an injury or ailment,
Rather, to charge his phone, for all
He cared about was staying current.

And as the journey wore on,
His behavior became quite clear,
He was high as a kite, with a dawn
Of realization that drew near.

He admitted to smoking weed,
As we all filed off the bus,
The most obvious statement, indeed,
But it was one that caused no fuss.

For in his own way, this man,
Had brought joy to a mundane ride,
And though his methods may seem grand,
His presence left us all feeling alive.

So let us not judge or criticize,
The actions of those we do not know,
For in their own way, they surprise
And leave us with memories that glow.

Communication · Domestic Matters · Lifestyle · mobile phone · shopping

Dirty Laundry

This was inspired by real life events today!

In the men’s underwear section of Primark,
I heard a conversation that left its mark,
Two women on speakerphone, so loud and clear,
Air their dirty laundry for all to hear.

I tried to ignore, to mind my own space,
But their voices carried, invading my place,
Details of their lives spilled out unrestrained,
As if privacy and boundaries were to be disdained.

Why must we suffer such an unwanted fate,
To be privy to others’ personal debate?
Can’t we keep our lives private, just between us,
And avoid airing dirty laundry in public thus?

Perhaps it’s the age of social media fame,
That makes some forget privacy is not a game,
But let’s remember, when in public space,
Respect others’ boundaries and keep a private pace.

So next time you feel the urge to share,
Think twice about who else might be there,
And if in doubt, keep it to yourself,
For privacy is a precious form of wealth.

Communication · mobile phone

Lost and Found

A true story with a happy ending!

Oh happy day, what joy to find
My phone that I had left behind
Amidst the bustle of the crowd
It somehow fell, without a sound

But thanks to kindness of the staff
Who found it, safe and sound at last
My worries melted, like a dream
And I was free, to let out a scream

Two-for-one burritos, they were great
But finding my phone was the best fate
For now I’m free, to call and text
And plan my next meal, without any stress

So here’s to luck, and fate, and chance
And the kind souls who gave my phone a second glance
To be found, and reunited with me
Now let’s go grab a drink, and cheers to thee!

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!