AI · Communication · computing · social media

Loose Threads!

Topical today!!

In a digital realm, where connections entwine,
A new kid arrived, causing quite a fine,
Threads, they called it, a platform to engage,
But oh, how it made everyone’s patience ablaze.

Loose threads of excitement, whispers in the air,
People clamoured, eager, a rush beyond compare,
With trembling fingers, they sought to sign up,
But alas, the demand overflowed the cup.

Tangled queues formed, lines stretched far and wide,
Impatient souls lamented, their hopes tied,
Accounts left hanging, like threads without a seam,
As frustration grew, weaving a restless dream.

Threads, a platform coveted, a digital jewel,
Yet elusive it remained, as if playing a cruel duel,
The yearning continued, like threads yearning to bind,
But in the tangled chaos, patience they must find.

So, beware the allure of Loose Threads, my friend,
For in the rush and tumble, it’s easy to descend,
In the vast tapestry of social media’s sway,
May we hold our composure, and navigate our way.

Communication · computing · forget · password

The Elusive Password

I’m sure we’ve all shared this pain!

In the depths of my mind, a password hides,
Important and vital, it silently abides.
Frustration engulfs as I struggle in vain,
Seeking the key, but it’s yet to regain.

Oh, elusive memory, where have you gone?
The password I seek, but it’s withdrawn.
Patience I hold, for I trust in your might,
In time, you’ll reveal the forgotten light.

Impatience gnaws, urgency fills the air,
But memory’s whispers, they’re still out there.
I’ll breathe, I’ll wait, for the moment to rise,
When the password returns, a welcomed surprise.

For in the recesses of my conscious terrain,
The password awaits, it won’t remain.
With perseverance, I’ll conquer this plight,
Unlocking the door, embracing the light.