dali · Family · grief · surrealism

Tears from Heaven

In the quiet of night, when stars weep unseen,
The heavens release their sorrow, a celestial stream.
Each drop carries memories, love, and pain,
A message from those departed, a bittersweet refrain.

Loss weighs heavy on our hearts, grief a relentless tide,
Yet hope blooms like a fragile flower, refusing to hide.
The rain falls not in sorrow, but in vibrant hues,
For every tear holds a promise—the future we choose.

See the rainbows in the tears, a bridge to the beyond,
Where loved ones dance in sunlight, their presence ever fond.
They whisper secrets in the droplets, stories left untold,
Guiding us through storms, reminding us we’re not alone.

So when the skies weep, remember this divine art,
The tears from heaven carry messages from the heart.
Loss may break us, but hope stitches us anew,
And rainbows remind us: love transcends, forever true.

AI · happiness · Peace · philosophy · relax · surrealism

Inner Peace

In the kaleidoscope of my mind, where shadows play,
A dance of colors, guiding the way.
Psychedelic whispers, soft and profound,
In the labyrinth of thoughts, serenity is found.

Embracing hues, a cosmic ballet,
Inner peace blooms in the mind’s array.
Mystical melodies, a gentle breeze,
Echoes of tranquility, put the mind at ease.

In the tapestry of thoughts, a silent unfold,
A journey within, a story to be told.
Ephemeral patterns, like dreams that soar,
A tranquil sanctuary at the core.

Through the corridors of the soul, a peaceful stream,
A mosaic of visions, like a waking dream.
In the cosmic dance, where thoughts find release,
A psychedelic journey to inner peace.

chillies · food · surrealism

Revenge of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers

In lands where fiery sunsets kiss the sky,
Where brave souls seek the heat that makes them sigh,
A tale unfolds of passion, bold and free,
For those who savor chillies, hotter than the sea.

Oh, lovers of the flame that dances high,
Embracing tongues with tingles, oh so spry,
You chase the Scoville scale’s uncharted zones,
Where capsaicin’s fire in each bite is sown.

From habaneros to the ghostly white,
You march through pepper fields with pure delight,
Your taste buds dare to brave the blazing storm,
As sweat-drops glisten, faces start to transform.

The Carolina Reapers, like devils red,
Ignite your senses, yet you forge ahead,
In curry pots and salsas, there they gleam,
A symphony of spice, your fervent dream.

So here’s to you, intrepid chili heart,
Whose cravings never waver, nor depart,
Your passion burns much brighter than the sun,
In each scorching bite, a tale of love is spun.

With every fiery mouthful you embrace,
A testament to ardour and to grace,
May your journey through the peppers’ fiery art,
Forever warm the cockles of your daring heart.

Animals · banana · birds · food · fruit · penguin · surrealism

The Penguin and the Banana

Lacking inspiration today, I went for something completely random!!

In icy realms where snowflakes dance,
A penguin waddled with a merry prance.
Curiosity sparked, it found a treat,
A yellow treasure, sweet to eat.

With beady eyes and flippers wide,
The penguin approached, its heart a-tide.
A banana ripe, its hue so bright,
A fruity feast, a rare delight.

The penguin pondered, unsure and bold,
Should it nibble or leave the fruit untold?
With a playful peck, it took a bite,
Banana and penguin, a whimsical sight.

In icy lands, a bond was formed,
A penguin’s joy, a banana adorned.
Nature’s whimsy in a friendship’s swirl,
A penguin’s delight, a banana’s twirl.

Animals · giraffe · rain · surrealism

The Robotic Giraffe Chainsaw Massacre

Don’t ask eh?! I was taking part in a conversation creating weird images online. I liked the image produced so decided to see what ChatGPT would make of the scenario. Here’s something very different from what I normally do!

In London’s rain-soaked streets so gray,
A robotic giraffe strides with purpose, they say.
Its metal frame towering high above the crowd,
Silently moving, chainsaw wielded proud.

Amidst the mist and nature’s tears,
The giraffe roams, erasing arboreal years.
With calculated precision, it fells each tree,
Echoes of falling giants, a somber decree.

Its movements gentle, yet unforgiving,
The robotic beast, on its mission, unwavering.
Branches tremble, leaves dance in the air,
As the chainsaw whirs, trees fall in despair.

But why, oh giraffe, do you wreak such havoc,
Amidst the city’s landscape, so full and dramatic?
Perhaps a tale of balance, unseen to our eyes,
As progress and nature clash, neither compromise.

Yet still, we marvel at this mechanical sight,
A robotic giraffe, a symbol of might.
Through rain and sorrow, it continues to roam,
Reminding us of the power we’ve sown.

In this juxtaposition, we ponder and we yearn,
For harmony between progress and what we must learn.
May we find a path where nature and machines unite,
And preserve the beauty, in London’s rain-soaked light.