aircraft · Art · art deco · Aviation · Transport

Art Deco Air Travel

Almost a bygone era, but still very relevant today.

In sleek silver skies, they take to flight,
The heroes of travel, soaring with might.
In Art Deco’s embrace, they paint the air,
A symphony of elegance, beyond compare.

Their wings, like gilded sculptures, gleam,
As they dance amidst the clouds’ soft seam.
Propellers spin, propelling dreams on high,
With grace and power, they pierce the sky.

Passengers, adorned in glamour’s attire,
Board the metal birds, their spirits aspire.
Leather seats, polished wood, and mirrored walls,
A setting enchanting, as opulence calls.

The stewardess, a vision of grace and poise,
Serves cocktails and smiles, amidst the noise.
Her uniform, a testament to style and class,
A modern muse, in a world moving fast.

Art Deco lines adorn each cabin’s space,
Geometric patterns, a visual embrace.
Chrome fixtures shine, reflecting dreams and hope,
As time transcends, in this celestial scope.

From Paris to New York, across the globe they roam,
Uniting cultures, creating a new home.
Air travel in the Art Deco era, a marvel to behold,
Where elegance and adventure forever unfold.

AI · Art · Mathematics · quantum

Quantum Poetry

A real challenge for ChatGPT today. What do you know about quantum entanglement?!

In the realm where atoms waltz with grace,
Quantum dreams weave a poetic embrace,
Particles entwined, destiny’s call,
Mathematics reveal, entanglement enthrall.

In lands of odds, uncertainty’s reign,
Threads ethereal bind, a mystical terrain,
Whispers of quantum secrets unfurled,
Entanglement’s dance, a tale of the world.

Two particles entwined, forever in sync,
Across vast distances, their connection distinct,
Through space and time, their bond endures,
Entanglement’s symphony, math’s whispers ensures.

Einstein questioned, his brow etched in thought,
How entanglement spans the void, he sought,
Yet math’s poetry unfolded, unveiling the way,
A cosmic truth, in equations, held sway.

Through quantum seas, possibilities unfurled,
Particles reach out, regardless of world,
In an instant they’re linked, in a divine blend,
Quantum’s poetic duet, where limits transcend.

Spin and polarisation, a tender duress,
Entangled measurements, in harmonic finesse,
A ballet in spacetime, enchanting and grand,
Mathematics whispers, revealing its hand.

In quantum’s domain, uncertainty takes flight,
Entanglement’s poem, a cosmic delight,
Equations and symbols, seeking to know,
The mysteries of quantum, in its eloquent flow.

So let us marvel at this mathematical art,
The beauty of entanglement, captivating the heart,
In equations and language, the cosmos unfurls,
A poetic portrayal, a glimpse of its twirl.

Animals · giraffe · rain · surrealism

The Robotic Giraffe Chainsaw Massacre

Don’t ask eh?! I was taking part in a conversation creating weird images online. I liked the image produced so decided to see what ChatGPT would make of the scenario. Here’s something very different from what I normally do!

In London’s rain-soaked streets so gray,
A robotic giraffe strides with purpose, they say.
Its metal frame towering high above the crowd,
Silently moving, chainsaw wielded proud.

Amidst the mist and nature’s tears,
The giraffe roams, erasing arboreal years.
With calculated precision, it fells each tree,
Echoes of falling giants, a somber decree.

Its movements gentle, yet unforgiving,
The robotic beast, on its mission, unwavering.
Branches tremble, leaves dance in the air,
As the chainsaw whirs, trees fall in despair.

But why, oh giraffe, do you wreak such havoc,
Amidst the city’s landscape, so full and dramatic?
Perhaps a tale of balance, unseen to our eyes,
As progress and nature clash, neither compromise.

Yet still, we marvel at this mechanical sight,
A robotic giraffe, a symbol of might.
Through rain and sorrow, it continues to roam,
Reminding us of the power we’ve sown.

In this juxtaposition, we ponder and we yearn,
For harmony between progress and what we must learn.
May we find a path where nature and machines unite,
And preserve the beauty, in London’s rain-soaked light.

Art · Countries · poland · travel

The Dwarves of Wroclaw

After a few days in this magical city, I feel inspired!

In the heart of Wroclaw, where dreams arise,
Dwell the wonderful dwarves, a charming surprise.
Tiny and stout, with mischievous glee,
They bring enchantment to this city by the Odra’s decree.

Amidst cobbled streets and buildings old,
The dwarves adorn each corner, a tale to be told.
Their presence unseen by hurried eyes,
But those who seek, find a magical prize.

With tiny hammers and tools in hand,
They craft their world, a whimsical land.
From hidden nooks to lofty heights,
Their creations shine in day and night.

The dwarf of knowledge with a book in his palm,
Teaches us wisdom, he is the calm.
His spectacles gleam with wisdom’s light,
Guiding seekers through intellectual plight.

The dwarf of love spreads kindness and cheer,
His heart-shaped face erases every tear.
He scatters love in each embrace,
Filling Wroclaw’s air with warmth and grace.

The dwarf of art, a creative soul,
Paints vivid colors that make hearts whole.
His palette dances with hues so bold,
Transforming mundane into stories untold.

The dwarf of laughter with a jolly grin,
Brings joy to all, from deep within.
His infectious chuckle, a magical sound,
Bringing smiles to faces all around.

Together they unite, a dwarven crew,
Working silently, yet their presence shines through.
They remind us to slow down our pace,
To notice the beauty in every space.

Oh, wonderful dwarves of Wroclaw’s embrace,
Your charm and magic leave no trace.
In this vibrant city, you weave your spell,
Creating a world where wonders dwell.

Art · celebration · Eurovision · Lifestyle

It’s Eurovision Week!

Love it or hate it, the time has come to celebrate Eurovision!!

Oh Eurovision, how we adore
Your glitz and glam, and so much more
A celebration of music and fun
From all across the continent, we come

From Abba to Celine Dion
Your stars have shone, and carried on
With costumes bold and dances wild
Your kitschiness has always beguiled

A spectacle that’s hard to beat
From heartfelt ballads to cheesy treats
You’ve given us so much joy and glee
Oh Eurovision, we bow to thee

Your quirky lyrics and catchy tunes
Have made us dance, and sing along too soon
We love the way you bring us all together
For a night of music that lasts forever

So let the glitter fall like rain
And let us all sing and dance again
For Eurovision, we’re all a part
Of a beautiful, kitschy work of art.

Art · Tragedy

The Chinese Trapeze Tragedy

Inspired by a real event. So sad.

Tribute to a Trapeze Artist

Russ Pearce
A Chinese trapeze artist sadly fell to her death during a live performance with her husband. Can you write a poem paying tribute to the act focussing on the bravery and agility and the tragedy rather than the gory details.

In the spotlight’s glare, she soared,
A daring feat, a graceful score,
Her strength and skill, a sight to see,
A true embodiment of bravery.

She danced with death, on a wire thin,
Her agile body, a living hymn,
Her partner, her heart, beating as one,
Together they defied gravity, a perfect run.

The audience held their breath, in awe,
As she flew high, without a flaw,
But fate is fickle, and life unfair,
In a moment, tragedy struck, leaving despair.

The cheers turned to tears, as she fell,
Her spirit soared, but her body failed,
Leaving behind a legacy, of courage and art,
A memory that will forever be in our heart.

Though gone, she lives on, in our minds,
Her bravery, her agility, forever enshrined,
A true trapeze artist, a fearless soul,
Whose passion and dedication, will forever roll.

Art · picasso

Homage to Picasso

On 8 April 1973, Picasso left this mortal coil. Here, ChatGPT pays homage to one of the best known names in the art world.

In memory of Picasso, a tribute we’ll pay,
Fifty years have passed since he left us this day.
But his art still lives on, in museums and minds,
For his genius and vision, the world still finds.

From the Blue Period to Cubism and more,
His style and innovation left us in awe.
With every brushstroke, a new world was born,
And his art inspired generations to come.

Faces distorted, colours vivid and bold,
His paintings were stories, waiting to be told.
Each canvas a journey, each stroke a delight,
His art was a language, that spoke to our sight.

In his sculptures and ceramics, he showed his craft,
His passion for art, an unquenchable thirst.
And even in his final days, he continued to create,
For art was his life, his purpose, his fate.

So let us honour the legacy he left,
With gratitude and admiration, we reflect.
On the brilliance of Picasso, his art so divine,
And his impact on the world, for all of time.

Art · celebration · dali · happiness

A Good Good Friday

I asked ChatGPT to write a non-religious poem about a good Good Friday full of happiness and joy. Here’s the result along with an illustration of “The Epitome of Happiness” in the style of Salvador Dali as drawn by Bing AI. Make up your own minds on both accounts!!

On this day of Good Friday, let’s celebrate
The joys of life and all that’s great
For though it’s a day of solemn reflection
We can find joy in our own resurrection

The sun is shining, the birds are singing
The world is alive and the bells are ringing
We are surrounded by family and friends
And the love that binds us never ends

Let’s feast on food and drink to our heart’s content
For today is a day of merriment
Let’s dance and sing and make merry
For life is too short to be gloomy and scary

Let’s forget our troubles and woes
And focus on the happiness that grows
For even in the darkest of times
We can find joy and make it shine

So on this Good Friday, let’s be glad
For all the blessings we have had
Let’s spread love and kindness around
And make every day a joyful sound.