Animals · giraffe · poker · rhino · Sport

The Giraffe and the Rhino

Ok, this is scary. Still playing with ChatGPT. I asked it to write a poem about a giraffe and a rhino playing poker. Here’s the result and don’t tell me you could have done any better yourself, let alone in 30 seconds!

In a forest clearing, where the moonlight shone,
Sat a giraffe and a rhino, all alone.
They shuffled the deck and placed their bets,
Playing a game of poker, with no regrets.

The giraffe, tall and lean, with a gentle heart,
Dealt the cards with a steady hand, playing his part.
The rhino, stout and strong, with a sharp mind,
Counted his chips and watched the giraffe unwind.

The game was intense, the tension high,
As the two players strategized, with a glint in their eye.
The giraffe played conservatively, with a steady pace,
While the rhino bluffed boldly, with a confident face.

Round after round, the game went on,
As the moonlight dimmed and the night grew long.
The giraffe played with grace, the rhino with might,
In this game of chance, where both could win or lose their sight.

As the final hand was dealt, the tension rose,
The rhino went all in, with his cards exposed.
The giraffe looked on, with a thoughtful gaze,
And made his decision, ending the game in a blaze.

The rhino groaned, as the giraffe claimed his prize,
But he smiled, as he saw the giraffe’s surprise.
For in this game of poker, it wasn’t just luck,
But a friendship that blossomed, as they shared their pluck.

And so, they walked away from the table, with their heads held high,
A giraffe and a rhino, under the starry sky.
For though they played with passion, skill, and art,
It was their friendship that shone, from the very start.

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!