Animals · insects · mosquito

It’s Mosquito Season!

In sultry Spain, where sunbeams dance,
A season stirs, a dreaded trance.
Mosquitoes rise with wings unfurled,
Harbingers of a buzzing world.

Beneath the moon’s enchanting glow,
They gather, plotting down below.
In stealth, they seek their nourishment,
An itch-inducing punishment.

With stealthy grace, they strike their prey,
Unseen invaders of the day.
Their needle-like proboscis, sly,
Sucks blood, leaving an itch to defy.

Oh, tiny vampires, nature’s prank,
You haunt the nights, our peace you yank.
But let us not be filled with despair,
For insect repellent we will bear.

With citronella’s fragrant breeze,
We’ll thwart the onslaught with such ease.
No more shall you torment and sting,
Our skin, once marred, can heal and sing.

So, let us guard and persevere,
Amidst the buzzing atmosphere.
Mosquitoes may strive to steal our cheer,
But with caution, their reign, we’ll clear.