elephant · reading · relax · Summer · sunshine

The Cool Elephant

In lands where sun and breeze conspire,
An elephant with dreams inspired,
By poolside’s edge, a reader’s grace,
Sipped cocktails as tales they embrace.

With mighty trunk and gentle soul,
Among the books, they found their goal,
In lounging hours ‘neath skies so blue,
An intellect vast, forever grew.

Pages turned by dexterous tusk,
In worlds of prose, they’d deeply trust,
Novels, poems, wisdom’s stream,
A literate pachyderm’s dream.

As sun dipped low, and stars would gleam,
Still by the pool, lost in a scheme,
An elephant, wise and oh so cool,
Found joy in reading, by the pool.

Animals · elephant · heatwave · relax · siesta · Summer · swimming · Weather

Cooling Off Elephant-Style!

In the blazing heat, an extraordinary sight,
An elephant sought respite by the pool’s light,
With grace, he settled down, oh what a thrill,
A massive reader, sipping cocktails with skill.

Amidst the laughter and the scorching sun’s glare,
He turned the pages with his gentle care,
A symbol of coolness in this summer blaze,
An elephant, immersed in words’ embrace.

The onlookers amazed, their jaws dropped low,
As the gentle giant let the hours go,
Lost in the realms of a captivating tale,
His presence alone, a soothing, grand-scale sail.

With each sip he took, his spirits soared high,
His bookish soul took flight, no need to fly,
For in this scene surreal, a lesson to behold,
In the hottest of times, find joy untold.

So, let the world stand still, amazed in glee,
As the elephant reads by the pool with ease,
A wondrous sight, a tale forever to tell,
Of a literary pachyderm’s magic spell.

Animals · elephant · knitting

Elephant Mohair

Oops! I misread a friend’s post as she was creating something with elegant mohair. My imagination ran riot so I asked ChatGPT to write something for me!

Knitting a jumper with elephant mohair,
Is a silly idea, but I don’t really care.
The needles are huge, the yarn is so thick,
But I’ll make a sweater that’s sure to be slick.

I cast on my stitches and start to knit,
The elephant mohair is quite the hit.
The trunk hairs are long, the tail hairs too,
But I’ll make it work, I know what to do.

I knit and I purl, I rib and I cable,
The elephant mohair is rather unstable.
But I won’t give up, I’ll soldier on,
Until my sweater is completely done.

And when it’s finished, I’ll wear it with pride,
My elephant mohair jumper, by my side.
People might stare, they might even scoff,
But I’ll just smile and show it off.

If you enjoyed this poem, why not consider buying my new book of poems on Amazon?!