Animals · celebration · penguin

Chill! It’s Still November!

In November’s embrace, where autumn leaves dance,
A tale unfolds, of Santa’s sweet chance.
Chill in the air, not a snowflake in sight,
He lounges by the pool, bathed in sunlight.

“Chill! It’s still November!” Santa declares,
As penguins serve cocktails, tending to his cares.
No sleigh bells, no reindeer, just a calm reprieve,
Sat bare-foot, he’s loath to leave.

The sun kisses his cheeks, as he sips with delight,
A reminder he whispers, “Christmas is out of sight.”
No need for the rush, the hustle, the race,
December’s on hold, let’s slow down the pace.

Penguins waddle, mix drinks with a flair,
Santa reclines, the poolside his lair.
Tropical tunes, not a carol to play,
“Enjoy the warmth,” he nods, “it’s still a long way.”

So let’s heed his wisdom, unwind and unwind,
No need for the frenzy, no need to be confined.
In the November breeze, let’s savour the weather,
For Christmas is coming, but not till December.

Animals · penguin · reading

The Book-Loving Penguin

In a world of ice and snow, a penguin dwelled,
In his armchair, content, his heart was swelled,
For there was nothing he loved more, you see,
Than to read a book, and let his mind roam free.

With feathers fluffed, and a cosy nook,
He’d waddle to his chair, with his favourite book,
Pages turned, adventures unfurled,
In the warmth of his den, he’d conquer the world.

From tales of brave explorers bold,
To mysteries untold, of secrets to behold,
His imagination soared, like the wind on high,
As he turned each page with a glint in his eye.

Through words, he’d journey to distant lands,
Where golden sands slipped through his hands,
In the magic of stories, he found solace and glee,
The penguin in his armchair, happy as can be.

So, if you find him there, on a chilly night,
With starry skies above, and the moon shining bright,
Know that his joy lies in the tales he’s fed,
The penguin and his books, forever entwined, well-read.

Animals · Art · disco · dj · Music · penguin

The Coolest DJ

In the heart of winter’s chill, a sight to behold,
A penguin DJ stands, all dressed in shades of gold,
With a slick tuxedo, and a hat tipped just right,
He’s the coolest bird around, spinning tunes through the night.

His flippers groove effortlessly as he takes the floor,
Commanding the turntables, a maestro to adore,
His beak selects the beats with finesse and with flair,
The crowd moves in rhythm, caught in his musical lair.

Under shimmering lights, he waddles and he glides,
A dancefloor packed with joy as he skillfully presides,
From smooth jazz to hip-hop, he mixes with such ease,
Creating magic moments, the penguin aims to please.

With every scratch and spin, the party’s spirits soar,
His beats fuel the celebration, and the crowd cries for more,
A super-cool penguin, an artist of the night,
Spinning discs and spreading joy, a scene of pure delight.

Animals · banana · birds · food · fruit · penguin · surrealism

The Penguin and the Banana

Lacking inspiration today, I went for something completely random!!

In icy realms where snowflakes dance,
A penguin waddled with a merry prance.
Curiosity sparked, it found a treat,
A yellow treasure, sweet to eat.

With beady eyes and flippers wide,
The penguin approached, its heart a-tide.
A banana ripe, its hue so bright,
A fruity feast, a rare delight.

The penguin pondered, unsure and bold,
Should it nibble or leave the fruit untold?
With a playful peck, it took a bite,
Banana and penguin, a whimsical sight.

In icy lands, a bond was formed,
A penguin’s joy, a banana adorned.
Nature’s whimsy in a friendship’s swirl,
A penguin’s delight, a banana’s twirl.