Animals · birds · peacock

The Early Morning Peacock

In the realm of wild, a peacock did roam,
Psychedelic plumage, a beauty to own.
But at 4.30 AM, its calls would arise,
Waking all with wonder, and sleep-filled eyes.

Its vibrant feathers, a mesmerising sight,
Yet the taste of roasted peacock sparked the mind’s flight.
Curiosity stirred, amidst sleep-deprived minds,
Imagining flavours, a thought that unwinds.

But the peacock danced, unaware of its effect,
A stunning display, a morning disrupt.
Its purpose not meant to be roasted and consumed,
But to awaken souls, with beauty illumed.

So let it prance freely, with its vibrant grace,
A catalyst for awakening in this strange place.
In its wake, marvels of wonder unfurled,
A peacock’s enchantment, changing the world.