alligator · Communication · crocodile · friendship

A Snappy Call

I tried to make ChatGPT do something odd today and the result is actually quite good. Google Bard is also available where I live now, but what it produced really wasn’t very good. I love Bing Create’s illustration though.

In London, by the riverside,
A crocodile grinned with a mischievous pride,
Inside a red phone box, he dialled away,
To an alligator across the pond’s spray.

“Hello, dear friend, it’s me, the croc so sly,
Let’s catch up and share tales, you and I,”
He chuckled and teased, full of cheer and delight,
“See you later, alligator, in the moon’s soft light.”

The alligator replied with a grin so wide,
“In a while, crocodile, by the water’s side,
I’ll bask in the sun, and wait for the tide,
For our friendship’s bond, forever to ride.”

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