Domestic Matters · food · liver

Lovely Liver!

It’s a bit of a polarising food, isn’t it. Not sure there is any middle ground. You either love liver, or you hate it!

Liver, oh liver, how I love thee,
Your flavour and texture are so heavenly,
Some may turn up their nose at the thought,
But oh, the joys that they have not sought.

Rich in nutrients, you are a superfood,
Packed with iron, vitamins, and mood,
A true delicacy for those who know,
The wonders that from your goodness flow.

Pan-fried with onions, a classic dish,
A taste that’s sure to satisfy any wish,
Or pâté, smooth and oh so divine,
On toasted bread, an indulgence so fine.

So to those who are sceptical, I implore,
Give liver a chance, you’ll love it for sure,
It’s a food that’s truly worth the hype,
And with its health benefits, you’ll feel just right.

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