
Just a Cold

I’ve been a bit under the weather recently. It’s amazing how we just automatically think it’s something worse these days.

In days of old, a sniffle and a sneeze
Were easily shrugged off with a simple breeze
A cold was just a minor thing
No cause for concern, no reason to cling

But now, in times of Covid’s reign
Every cough and sniffle causes pain
Is it just a cold, or something more?
We check our temp, and feel unsure

We wear our masks, and wash our hands
We try to follow all the health demands
But still, the worry lingers on
Is this just a cold, or has the virus won?

Our health is so much harder now
We worry more, we question how
A simple sniffle feels like a threat
A cold, a flu, or something we’ll regret

We must be vigilant, and stay aware
Of every symptom, every cough, every scare
And though it’s hard, we must keep strong
Until this virus is no longer among

So let us hope for brighter days
When colds are just a minor phase
And health is once again secure
No longer fraught with so much unsure.

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