Politics · travel

Can You Fix the Potholes, Please?

I decided to see how ChatGPT handled some current affairs. Pretty well, I’d say. Also tried DeepAI to generate the image. Not a bad effort.

Oh, dear Britain, land of roads and lanes,
Where driving’s an art, and patience strains,
Where swerving’s a must, to avoid the holes,
And praying for tyres, to survive the toll.

Can you fix the potholes, please?
Fill them with tarmac, let them ease,
The bumping and jolting, we endure,
On your highways, where we are so sure.

The government claims they’ve got a plan,
To repair the roads, all over the land,
But years go by, and nothing changes,
Just more detours, and endless ranges.

Can you fix the potholes, please?
For our cars, and our sanity’s ease,
No more dodging, or risking a blowout,
On our daily commute, or night’s devout.

We pay our taxes, and we deserve,
Smooth and safe roads, where we preserve,
Our vehicles, our livelihoods, and our time,
Not wasting them, in traffic’s grime.

Can you fix the potholes, please?
And let us drive, with peace and ease,
No more excuses, or bureaucratic red tape,
Just fix the roads, for heaven’s sake.

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