
April Fools

Be careful what you read today. Not sure how seriously ChatGPT took the task today as I’m a bit uncomfortable with the idea of exchanging the toilet paper for streamers then hanging around to see the reaction!

Oh, April Fools’ Day, how merry and bright,
When we play jokes and laugh with all our might,
A day of pranks and trickery so sly,
Where laughter and glee are sure to multiply.

We swap the salt with sugar so sweet,
And watch as our friends try to eat,
We place a whoopee cushion on a chair,
And chuckle as our victim gets a scare.

We hide our co-worker’s stapler or pen,
And watch as they search again and again,
We fake a spider and scream in fright,
Then giggle when our friends jump with all their might.

We put googly eyes on everything we see,
And watch as our friends laugh with glee,
We replace the toilet paper with streamers so bright,
And see their reaction with pure delight.

Oh, April Fools’ Day, you are a delight,
With your tricks and pranks that are just right,
May we always keep the spirit alive,
And let the laughter and joy thrive.

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